California Travel Tips

Neighborhood Watch

Published on: April 05, 2020


As Californians survive a third week of house arrest, neighborhoods are coming back to life with people invited outdoors to drink wine or beer and socialize (6 feet apart, of course.)

This block party in Orange County on Apr.4, 2020 included young families with kids, empty nesters, and retired seniors. One of the party-goers shared that when the housing tract was first completed in 1971 and new homeowners moved in, block or street parties were frequent.

“People used to roll out their barbecue grills and cook burgers and hot dogs in the street,” said Katie Long. “Neighbors would pitch in to buy a keg of beer, someone would bring out their speakers to liven it up with music and there would be games such as badminton played till dark under the street lights.”

Long said that the Internet, cell phones and modern life changed all that–people less and less talked to each other. “Garage doors went down fast and neighbors’ knocks to borrow eggs for cooking or tools for lawn mowing ended.”

In many cities throughout the nation and world cooking and gardening have become popular once again with people stuck at home.

This COVID-19 block party is one of millions getting neighbors out in the sunshine, sharing drinks and stories. For younger generations it offers a slice of Southern California life some 50 years past.

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