See the picture of the dolphin springing forward at the Dana Point Whale Festival this weekend? That’s what you must do! On Sunday morning, March 11 after 2 a.m., all Californians must turn their clocks, watches, cell phones, microwaves, car clocks and portable devices forward one hour for Daylight Savings. If you’re looking at a clock right now, imaging moving that dial forward one hour. It’s going to be darker in the morning and lighter at night than it currently is. It’s great for watching sunsets!
There was an odd feeling in the air this week as we moved forward with our daily lives. Scientists told us about a rock (asteroid) hurling through space that will likely miss our planet but will be so close, it will fly underneath the orbits of the satellites. After that good news broke, then we were told that a solar storm was hurling gamma rays and x-rays toward Planet Earth and that a direct hit could not just wipe out satellites and cell communications , but could cause failure to the electrical grid and at worst, set off a chain reaction similar to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Oh, great! I just wanted to relax this weekend.
The good news is that although things are flying and hurling through space, the most we’re bound to see this weekend is on course to entertain–not to do away with us. From the dynamic and daring flying Blue Angels in El Centro to cannon fire at Civil War re-enactments in Vista, the cute little Mars Curiosity rover in Death Valley to whales breaching at Dana Point, there’s a lot happening in California this weekend. Whether you use propulsion to get to an event, or you arrive and propulsion is the topic, you and plenty of flying objects surrounding you will be on the move this weekend, providing one thrilling ride! From the far reaches of the rainy North Coast to the dry desert sands of Death Valley, there’s no place immune from events and happenings–you really can’t escape them.
Here are just a few California Events of too many to mention: