California Travel Tips

What Day Is It?

Published on: June 21, 2012

It is grunion hunting day today! According to Seal Beach lifeguards who maintain a friendly visitor board telling you all the data you need to know as you enter the beach, grunion runs are going from June 21-24, 2012.  While California Department of Fish & Game predicted the Grunion would be running June 19-22 (based on tides) in Seal Beach they believe your best bet for finding them goes through June 24.

Grunion are small silver fish that spawn on California beaches during low tide 3 or 4 nights after the highest tide associated with each full or new moon, and then only for a 1 to 3 hour period each night following high. Sound confusing? Then here’s more Grunion Run confusion:

  • You must remember to not hunt for them during “off” season
  • If you’re over 16, you must have a license.
  • You can only catch them with your bare hands.
  • You can’t entrap them in dug up holes, and you can’t use buckets to scoop them up.

Visit Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro for the Grunion Greeter program and they’ll tell you all about it. There is an event scheduled for today, June 21, 2012.


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