California Travel Tips

Caruthers Canyon in Mojave Desert

Published on: August 20, 2012

A stark, yet beautiful scene greets travelers who make the trek to San Bernardino’s far reaches to see Caruthers Canyon in the New York mountains near the border of Nevada.  At first glance you may think there’s not much to see. As you explore during the day there are few signs of animals –the main thing you must watch out for is the occasional rattlesnake that may cross your trail. Many of the animals and reptiles stay in cooler darker, spots, coming out at nightfall. Among the animals you’ll see in Mojave are mountain lions,  bighorn sheep, bobcats, jack rabbits,  skunks, foxes, and Desert tortoises, gila monsters or birds such as roadrunners, golden eagles, bats and owls. Vegetation includes well over 500 plant species within the park boundaries, including flower displays on spring days after it rains.  For those who love nature, this is one of California’s lesser tapped places to go–sometimes even the cell phone service is spotty. There are two National Park Service Campgrounds (, and more camping options nearby. Roadside camping and backpacking are permitted.

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