California Travel Tips

Earth Day Inspired by Oil Disaster in Santa Barbara

Published on: April 16, 2013


Pictured is  Santa Barbara Earth Day celebration held annually for more than 40 years.

There’s possibly no place on Earth that celebrates Earth Day in such a heartfelt manner as Santa Barbara, Calif. Why? Earth Day was  born out of an ecological disaster that hit the region hard. In 1970 Senator Gaylord Nelson visited the scenic Central Coast beach city after a major oil spill along the Santa Barbara County coast in 1969. Outraged by what he saw, he passed a bill designating April 22 as a national day to celebrate the earth. Each year Santa Barbara hosts one of the biggest Earth Day celebrations in California and the nation in remembrance of the disaster, and in an effort to make their piece of the coast (and world) better.  Held on April 20-21, 2013, the event includes car shows, energy displays, bands, arts & crafts for kids, vendor booths, food, and a dinner gala to launch the festivities.

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