California Travel Tips

Easter Bunnies, Chocolates, Candies

Published on: March 26, 2013


In California, the majority of 450+ cities and municipalities host festivities tied to Easter such as egg hunts, Eggstravaganzas, bunny breakfasts and spring festivals with egg  hunts. It is not surprising, considering that the United States has more Christians than anywhere on Earth–approx. 76% of the population. Though several cities have discontinued their annual Easter celebrations this year and municipalities have removed the word, ‘Easter’, from special egg & candy hunting events (with a few exceptions,) practically every city calendar lists the religious holiday.

Question: What do  bunnies and eggs have to do with Easter, anyway?
Answer:  Before Christianity existed, eggs, rabbits and hares were symbols of the rising fertility of the earth at the March Equinox.

There’s another side to Easter beyond eggs, bunnies and Christianity–and it involves money.  The National Retail Federation, which tracks consumer spending for holidays such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s & Father’s Day and Easter, says: “We’re on a budget for Easter holiday 2013–spending is flat and bunnies are being frugal this year.”  Read more about Easter spending>

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