California Travel Tips

Fair Rides: Evolution, Remix, Sky Flyer, YoYo, Speed, Tango, Techno Jump

Published on: July 16, 2013


If you’ve been to a festival or fair lately, you’ll see one of the most popular rides in fairways as people sore above you from the Skyride, a fully portable ride that allows visitors to get an overview of the fair. Every carnival and fair should have a Carousel, Tilt a Whirl, Ferris Wheel and Skyride, perhaps. It’s not a carnival midway without the basics. But what is required to keep over-entertained teens coming back to fairs? For carnival and amusement owners, the answer is investment.  Each year the biggest entertainment companies try to have at least one new, exciting ride in their arsenal, according to Ray Cammack Shows ( If you’re looking to hire an amuseument company for your special event or festival, there are several great companies in California and many specializing in West Coast events.

Here are some fair rides:

  • Speed (top left photo) is a chair ride with a descriptive name that describes what it’s all about–going fast.
  • Remix (center left) is an Orbiter type ride that spins while building speed as the seats start to elevate to almost 90 degrees. Your legs suspended under your seat.
  • Evolution (bottom left) is imported from Italy as the first portable ride of its type in the U.S. It sends passengers almost 70 feet in the air flipping and rotating in every position possible.
  • Sky Flyer (center) is a chair swing that travels in circular motion, rising into the air as it builds speed. When the maximum elevation is reached and it spins around several times, the ride begins its descent.
  • YoYo (top right)  is another ride similar to Sky Flyer that spins in a circle as you sit in a chair with your feet dangling.
  • Techno Jump (middle right) is designed for all age groups to ride bouncing up and down spinning around forward and then reverse. It is one of the most popular rides in European carnivals.
  • Tango (bottom right) features computer controlled movements and thousands of lights. The Tango spins you round and round upside down 75 feet above the ground.
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