California Travel Tips

Folsom Electricity Festival

Published on: September 02, 2014


If you’ve read the news recently, California legislators have attempted to strike a deal with Tesla electric car-maker to open a $5 billion battery factory in the state, estimated to be operational around 2017. One of several cities courting the company is Sacramento, which has a fascinating history tied to electricity. You can learn about it this weekend (Sept. 6, 2014) at the Folsom Powerhouse Electricity Fair, a free event for all ages. The historic powerhouse, one of the first in the nation, delivered electric power at Station A in Sacramento in 1895, creating great excitement.

People poured into Sacramento from throughout Northern California–30,000 from San Francisco alone. As darkness fell, the people of Sacramento and many visitors lined the brilliantly lighted streets in eager anticipation of the oncoming Grand Electric Carnival. The State Capitol building glowed with electric lights outlining the facade and the ribs of the dome, where a cluster of arc lights illuminated a dazzling display that could be seen for nearly 50 miles. Much awaited floats delighted the crowds with their ingenious arrangements of lights or mechanical equipment, drawn by electric trolley cars powered by the new electricity relayed from Folsom.

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