California Travel Tips

Google’s Mobilegeddon

Published on: April 21, 2015


Google founder Larry Page

Today, April 21, 2015,  is the day that Google search engine is demoting websites that aren’t mobile friendly (approx. 40% of websites.) That’s why it’s being billed as Mobile-geddon. When a mobile user searches on Google search, they won’t be seeing your website if it isn’t mobile friendly (fast upload, large text on any size screen, no flash, width compatible with small size viewers and links not too close together.)   The change is making big bucks for some enterprising companies such as Palo Alto’s Dudamobile, a company that will take any website and for a monthly fee serve a mobile version. All you have to do is put a piece of code into each traditional web page and when the user visits your site on a mobile phone, it directs them to Dudamobile’s version of the page that’s mobile friendly.  We reached out to their customer service department with a question on April 20 and received this automated reply:

“Due to an unusually large volume of tickets with questions about Google’s upcoming mobile SEO update, our response time is averaging a little longer than normal. We’d like to thank you for your patience, and assure you we are striving to answer all incoming support tickets as quickly as possible.”  

Another solution to fix a website for Google’s mobile friendly test is to treat your website like puzzle pieces and use Responsive Grid System (, created by British web builder, Graham Miller.  Graham doesn’t charge anything–he gives the information away free for the taking and when we reached out, he actually replied to our questions. The system takes patience to learn & use but it’s absolutely free. To test your web pages, visit Google mobile friendly test, located on this page:

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