California Festivals


Northern California Tomato Battle

Tomato Battle Alameda County Fairgrounds, California
September 20, 2014, Noon-6 p.m.

4501 Pleasanton Ave.
Pleasanton, CA

Approx. Cost: $30 spectators only, $50 inside and throwing tomatoes!

There are plenty of California tomato festivals, but none quite like this one! Fruit-chucking fanatics are invited to share in an afternoon of tomatos. The Tomato Battle is a ticketed event that includes dancing, brews, and flinging 300,000 pounds of roma tomatoes at each other. You're invited to wear a costume, too! But you might want to have a back up outfit to change into or it's going to get a little strange after the event ends at Irvine Lake!

Designed after Spain's annual La Tomatina tomato-throwing festival held and Germany's Oktoberfest. Festivities commence at noon with registration and opening, followed by live entertainment and a costume contest. At 4:00 p.m., soldiers donning bathing suits, safety goggles, and well-treaded shoes converge on piles of past-ripe tomatoes and set about pelting people with fruits like sentient apple trees avenging the initial-carving of amorous teenagers. Beats and beer flow until past 7 p.m., when ruddy troops lay down their arms and rinse themselves clean of pulp and juice. An extra set of clothes is highly recommended. All of the tomatoes used during the exhibition will have been previously marked for disposal, making the Tomato Battle an efficient and entertaining use of nonedible waste. Onward..

Schedule of Events for Saturday August 25, 2012

Noon Registration & Beer Garden Opens
1:00 p.m. Live Entertainment
3:30 p.m. Costume Contest
4:00 p.m. Tomato Battle Begins
4:30 p.m. Live Entertainment
6 p.m. Wash up and go home!

In the event of a tomato shortage, there will be a giant mud battle. The event will go on as planned but with mud instead of tomatoes. Dates and times are subject to change

Events are not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to confirm before going.

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