California Travel Tips

California Arbor Day Celebrations

Published on: March 08, 2015


National Arbor Day is April 24, 2015. Always celebrated on the last Friday in April nationally, many states observe Arbor Day on different dates throughout the year based on best tree-planting times in their area. California pays homage to trees this week, March 7 to 14, with celebrations, tree plantings and volunteerism. There are just under 150 California cities and towns that have applied for and earned status as Tree City USA Communities.  Our favorite tree is the California Redwood, the state tree, but there are so many rare and beautiful trees within the state that you really must see.  Here is how one community took time to honor trees…

Arbor Day was celebrated in Huntington Beach on March 7th with a planting of trees and a two mile hike around Lake Huntington, over hills, by horse corrals and through the Urban Forest. Celebrations occur in every state (some at different times) to show hope for the future and explain what an important part trees play in our lives and communities.  Read more…>

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