California Travel Tips

Wobble, Walk and Gobble at California Turkey Trots

Published on: November 09, 2017


After you’ve come off the Halloween candy sugar high, get ready to pack some carbs and calories for that big Thanksgiving meal. There’s a way you can curb your appetite by participating in a Turkey walk, run or wobble before you tackle that feast. Pictured is Long Beach Turkey Trot, produced by Justin Rudd, who donates a part of proceeds to community causes.  Like many turkey walks and runs, the event includes a costume contest in which people dress up like turkeys, pumpkin pie desserts and pilgrims.  How big is the turkey trot? Well in California there are dozens of events spanning the 1,000 miles of our state. If you don’t have an event in your area, start one.

Question: When is Thanksgiving?

Answer: Thanksgiving this year is on Thursday, November 23, 2017.

Question: Where can I find a Turkey Trot?

California Turkey Trots

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