California Travel Tips

Thanksgiving Meaning

Published on: November 22, 2014


When Craig MacDonald penned a Thanksgiving piece it really hit home. We hope you’ll enjoy the sentiment this holiday season and take time to ponder how Thanksgiving is stuffed with meaning.

Thanksgiving means different things to different people.

To the dinner host, it means serving the tastiest turkey on the Planet!
To a small child, it might mean a chance to eat turkey and talk with grandpa.
To a young adult, it’s a day to be glad if you have a roof over your head and a meal on the table.

Thanksgiving is a day of reflection–a day of memories. Thanksgiving is a chance to close your eyes and think of all the people who have helped you:

Your best friend, who gives you positive enthusiasm.
Your health care provider, whose smile makes you feel a tad bit better.
The trash person, who takes away your garbage.
Your spouse who encourages you even though you have doubts.

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