California Travel Tips

Wild, Wacky California Parades

Published on: January 23, 2014


It’s the time of year again when California’s cool, fun parades step out onto Main Street USA. Left photo is Petaluma’s Butter & Eggs Day Parade; middle photos are Pasadena Doo Dah Parade; and right photos are Eureka’s  Rhododendron Parade. Somewhere between Christmas and 4th of July parades is a world of imagination.

About the parades:

  • Petaluma Butter & Eggs Days Parade pays homage to what was once the egg capital of the world. In its glory days Petaluma garnered international attention for this amazing distinction!
  • Pasadena’s Doo Dah Parade was invented decades ago as the fun antithesis to the Rose Festival Parade which is expensive to participate in, and extremely selective in its parade entrants. Doo Dah Parade encourages the wild, wacky and imaginative displays and generally makes participation free or extremely cheap.
  • Eureka’s Rhododendron Parade celebrates a flower that most people can hardly spell the name of.  It is one of several festive parades held throughout the year on the North Coast Redwood Country.


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