From Cotati to Costa Mesa, Accordion Festivals Put the Big Squeeze on California


The accordion, often referred to as a squeeze box, goes wild in California when cities in Northern and Southern California host accordion festivals annually. Pictured is Lisa and the Zydecats, a California-based Zydeco / Cajun band currently on world tour. The popular group performs at the Orange County Accordion Festival in October. Here's Lisa Haley's (of Lisa & the Zydekats) performance schedule in California.

One of California's oldest, longest running events is the Cotati Accordion Festival held August 20 - 21, 2011. Nonstop accordion music in this 21st annual event held at La Plaza Park. Time: 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Cost: $15; $25 for 2 day pass. Tickets: (888) 559-2576.

The newer 3rd Annual O.C. Big Squeeze Accordion Festival includes 4 to 5 stages of accordion based bands/performers representing a variety of music genres. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission: $2. Location: OC Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA

There are a handful of accordion concerts, festivals and events coming up in California, and a variety of clubs throughout the state meet up and play regularly. If you catch the accordion fever, be sure to save the date for the International Accordion Festival San Antonio Oct.7-9, 2011, (

About the accordion: While California's accordion music spans many genre ranging from the Mexican norteņa to German polka and American Zydeco, the first accordion is believed to have originated in in Berlin in 1822 by Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann.

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