Hug a Tree in California, Home to 160 Tree City USA Communities!

California is home to the biggest, oldest and tallest trees in the world. Some trees can't be hugged because they are too fragile-like the Old General Sherman & General Grant in Sequoia National Park. General Grant is the nation's Christmas Tree.

In Calaveras Big Trees State Historic Park you can still hug the big trees. The home to many redwood giants is a spectacular place to visit and take a serene or more strenous hike to see several groves of very old, large trees.

California is home to 160 Tree City USA Communities. Celebrating with tree plantings and events Mar. 7-14, 2011 for California State Arbor Day, it's likely that you have noticed community volunteers planting trees and hosting events during this week-long celebration that ended yesterday.

Among California's best trees and forests are the trees along the Redwood Coast in northern California. Humboldt Redwoods State Park is home to the world's tallest trees. They are so tall, in fact, you can barely see the tops of them. Tour the Avenue of the Giants that twists along Highway 101, or drive through only three remaining trees where you can do so in a car-Chandelier, Klamath and Shrine Tree are all privately owned. A fee is charged to drive through them but for some, it's a trip you won't want to miss.

National Arbor Day arrives on April 29, 2011. The celebrated observance encourages tree planting and care, and invites you to plant a tree if you like, or take time to appreciate California's precious trees.

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