Turkey Stampede


All’s fair in love & food at the county fair! While the adorable pig races continue to edge out Wild Turkey Stampede as the most popular animal entertainment, the turkey races are quite a hit. The turkeys from Ramona’s Oasis Camel Dairy have appeared at several fairs this year and can be seen chasing after the Big Red, a remote controlled truck loaded with turkey treats. In their eagerness to eat, sometimes they get ahead of Big Red (turkeys aren’t known for being particularly intelligent.)

At county fairs throughout California you can also see popular bands in concerts. The best line up for the weeks ahead comes from Ventura County Fair in Ventura where The Beach Boys, Barenaked Ladies, The Spinners and Creedence Clearwater Revisited perform. At Orange County Fair you can see Lynyrd Skynyrd, Deep Purple and Blue Oyster Cult.

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