California Events February 7, 2013


COLUSA - Colusa Farm Show Feb 5-7, 2013. Colusa Farm Show is the ultimate gathering of farm equipment displays, vendors, services and materials. Recognized as the Granddaddy of Farm Shows, this is the one event you must attend if you are in the ag business. Address: 1303 - 10th Street (State Highway 20) Colusa, CA 95932. thefarmshow

HOLTVILLE Carrot Festival Feb. 1 - 10, 2013 Carrot Capital of the World celebrates carrots with a carnival, parade, carrot cook-offs, and tons of carrot fun. holtvillechamber .

LOS ANGELES - Pan African Films and Arts Festival Feb. 7 - 18, 2013 Artistfest, Spokenwordfest, Studentfest. paff

SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco Bluegrass and Old-Time Festival Feb. 7-17, 2013. 10 Day of Bluegrass Ruckus. Unlike any other festival in the country, the San Francisco Bluegrass & Old-Time Festival is a grass-roots, non-profit, volunteer-run festival dedicated to keeping the tradition of bluegrass and old-time music alive. sfbluegrass

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