California Parks


Blue Ox Millworks in Eureka, CA

Eureka, California --Eric Hollenbeck is not one to "mill" around at his Blue Ox Millworks in Eureka, The sprawling grounds on the edge of town (X Street) contains room upon room of discovery.

Is this the kind of place you'd like to visit and see antique woodworking machines in action? The tour is interesting, and there's ample opportunity to explore on your own. But better yet, why not send your kids as some local parents have done, and see their transformation into craftsmen, artisans, and creators.

While the public is invited to tour Blue Ox Millworks, a working museum filled with all sorts of antique equipment (much of it related to commercial woodcraft,) the museum has filled a niche and changed young lives in a partnership program with the Humboldt Office of Education as an alternative high school.

Blue Ox students earn their high school diploma in a family environment, complete with the family dogs. Students learn through hands-on projects and get to learn blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking, printing projects, or maybe work in radio programming at the and more at the park allow students to experience success in a hands-on setting. The sense of accomplishment gained at Blue Ox helps the students create success in other aspects of their lives. Students attend the school on a volunteer basis or through partnerships with the local schools, court systems and county employment agencies such as the Community Schools, the Workability program, and the Humboldt County Private Industry Council.

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