California Photos


Seal Beach, California Strand

The Seal Beach strand, a small paved path running in front of beach houses next to the sand, is only several blocks long, but makes for an enjoyable stroll. Shown in the photos are two women taking an afternoon exercise walk on the strand, with views of a docked Naval ship at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station located just at the edge of the beach.

The ships come in and out frequently at this small port made exclusively for the Naval vessels. You may see one to two per week sometimes. Most stay about a day or two and then they are gone. During their stopovers, you'll see the military women and men dressed in civilian clothes heading for restaurants, stores and other places where they can enjoy terra firma for a short time.

The ships in port are awesome to look at and provide an added bonus to strolls both on the strand and on the Seal Beach Pier. Then next time you visit maybe you will be lucky enough to see one in the distance. You are only allowed to see them from afar, as they are stationed in secured areas.

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