California Travel Tips

Bridgeville: Flying Saucers are Real

Published on: August 09, 2015


IMAGINE THIS: A UFO lands on the White House Lawn and 4-foot-tall gray aliens with bug eyes materialize, stating telephathically that they want to speak with the President of the U.S. It has to be a joke, right? Well this weekend in Bridgeville, California it is no joke when odd looking humanoids converge, bringing their alien spacecraft with them for the annual Bridgefest Flying Saucer Contest. The goal: Launch your craft from the old Bridgeville bridge to a landing spot on the river bar marked by a red circle with a pole in the center. The Bridge is approximately 40 feet above the river bar with the goal approx. 45 yards east. The contest determines which aliens are the smartest, based on their ability to successfully carry out the mission. Winners receive earthly trinkets.

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