California Travel Tips

Burlingame Pet Parade is for People, Too!

Published on: September 20, 2012

Behind every dog there’s a human “dog poop cop”, at least at Burlingame’s Pet Parade ( held on the CLEAN street of Broadway on September 29, 2012, at 10 a.m.

Furry friends and their costumed owners are invited to this event to participate by marching in the parade, if they like (there is no fee!)  Or else, you can come and be a spectator. The parade, complete with a marching band, was started in 2004 by a group of like-minded locals who wanted to show their community spirit. Though they anticipated an occasional bark or growl and maybe a little fur flying as parade participants get in a tiff when they begin to sniff those in line ahead of them,  the event has been a huge success. Held annually, it is one way Burlingame puts its best foot (or paw) forward!

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