Contact in the Desert


Luminaries of esoteric, unexplained and anomalous phenomena are coming from around the world to Joshua Tree Retreat Center for a four day conference Aug. 8-11, 2014, called “Contact in the Desert”.

California is the epicenter of the odd, unusual, paranormal and cutting edge space technology that most of us can’t even fathom. It’s only natural that, as humans, we’re curious and want to explore our surroundings. Look no further than the “Contact in the Desert” ( in Joshua Tree for possible answers to questions such as, “Who built the pyramids and when?,” or “Is there a cover-up about UFOs and aliens?” While similar conferences have been going on for more than 60 years since pilot Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of disc-shaped craft in which he coined the term “flying saucers”, California remains a hotbed for such reports even today. Stanton Friedman, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope and other journalists, M.D.s, physicists and even a former British Ministry of Defence official are featured. Tickets are approx. $25 – up.

Here’s a small sampling of presentations 25 speakers at Contact in the Desert:

  • Chariots of the Gods, with Erich von Daniken. The best known author of the Ancient Astronaut theory shows why he believes we’ve been visited by ancestors that came in aircraft.
  • Beyond the Phoenix Lights, with Lynne Kitei, M.D. – a nuts & bolts medical doctor sees the Phoenix Lights and is outraged by the explanations she received. She wrote a book about it and continues to research the subject.
  • Fire in the Sky, with Travis Walton – the Arizona logger disappeared for 5 days, abducted and taken into space craft where medical procedures were performed on his body. After 39 years he is still trying to understand why & what happened.
  • The Great Sphinx and Dawn of Civilization – with John Anthony West. Compelling evidence that the extreme weathering to the Great Sphinx of Giza was produced by rainfall, not by the wind and sand one would expect in the desert, could only mean that the Sphinx was carved during or before the rains fell, marking the transition of northern Africa from the last Ice Age to today’s Sahara desert.


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