Don’t Let it Rain on Your Parade this Weekend!


Pictured is San Jose’s annual ice rink, Downtown Ice. It opens November 18, 2011.

If you’ve not heard the news, California is expecting rain. And in a land where water is one of the most important commodities and resources, that’s great news. However, today is also one of the most popular days of the year for parades in California (to celebrate Veteran’s Day, Sept. 11) and the activities continue throughout the weekend. In some places plans have been shifted to miss what’s expected to be a quick moving storm that hit Alaska like gang-busters, then settled down. In our neighbor to the north, the rain storm set 40 year records for its winds.

The rain also brings snow to California ski resorts, and a chill in the air for the launch of the Ice Skating Season .

In California this weekend, cities are mostly celebrating Veterans Day, but there are many noteworthy events to enjoy, and the good news is that the rain should be mostly out of the state on Sunday – Monday. One of the first of many ice rinks to launch the holiday season in California is opening in Santa Monica on November 11. Embarcadero in San Francisco opened its ice rink on November 9. And poor Walnut Creek Ice Rink is dog paddling with delays due to some ice machine problems. They have to reschedule their ice skating rink grand opening and are working hard to resolve the problems. Stay tuned!

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