California Dining


Pictured is Joey Chestnut from San Jose, Calif. who has taken home the Nathan's Hot Dog Contest trophy more than once, and claims title as the World Champion Hot Dogger.

Hot Dogs in California

Hot Dogs have a long, sometimes distinguished and other times infamous reputation spanning more than 100 years. Some say the hot dog got its name because of the once uncertainty whether dog meat actually was placed into this food  in the shape of a sausage. In the 1960s-70s moving forward hot dogs cleaned up their act as health conscious consumers sought better, safer foods. Salt and nitrites that may become carcinogenic in the cooking process as they taking the form of nitrosamines have been reduce by 80% in most foods, and many hot dogs use the selling point of having no nitrites added.

For more than 30 years Costco has served a $1.50 hot dog. It weighs one-quarter pound and comes with a bottomless soft drink beverage for the cheap price of $1.50. That particular dog used to be a kosher product but suppliers such as Hebrew brand were reportedly unable to meet Costco's production demands. So Costco began making its own Kirkland hot dog which touts 100% USDA Choice or better cuts,  and no fillers, binders, phosphates, corn syrup, artificial color or flavors.

Independence Day weekend estimates of American hot dog consumption is around 160 million dogs! If every citizen ate as many hot dogs on the 4th of July as California's own hot dog-eating champ, Joey Chestnut, that number would jump to 8 billion hot dogs bitten, chewed and swallowed.

Joey Chestnut, a competition eater who has won 8 consecutive annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contests (2007-2014), holds world titles for a variety of foods, including eggs, chicken wings, asparagus, burgers, steak, matzoh balls, bratwurst, wontons and boysenberry pie.


  • Top condiment is mustard.
  • Most dogs eaten is world record by Joey Chestnut who scarfed down 69 hot dogs with buns in 10 minutes on July 4, 2013.
  • California is home to many hot dog loving enterprises, including Wienerschnitzel and Pinks.
  • Carl's Jr. began in July 1941 as a hot dog stand in Los Angeles.
  • On July 18, 2015 Nathan's Mobile Sampling Tour arrives in Imperial Beach for the Sun & Sea Festival.
  • The world's top hot dog eater trains for his events by stretching his stomach with milk, water and protein supplements.

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