Garden Grove Photos


Stanley Ranch Museum Garden Grove Docents

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Photo: The docents who offered tours at the museum during our visit included: Nancy Phillips, Jim Stainer, Bob Broady, Larry Porraz and Megan Galway.

Standing at the front entrance to the Stanley Ranch Museum and Historical Village seen from Euclid Street, the generous tour guides give their time to help maintain and promote the history of Garden Grove. Tours are offered at 1:30 p.m. the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.

Notice the orange tree behind the group in the picture. Orange groves were prominent in the Orange County landscape at the turn of the 20th century and continue to thrive in the Southern California sun and temperate climate Garden Grove enjoys. The Stanley Ranch was surrounded by orange groves with the last orange picked in 1971 from the original orange trees.

Stanley Ranch Museum
12174 Euclid St.
Garden Grove, CA

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